Moore Concrete Cements Foundations for Growth

27 August 2024

Moore Concrete Go Live with Infor SyteLine and Inforlogic

Northern-Ireland-based precast concrete manufacturer moves to cloud ERP for visibility, standardisation and scale.

Inforlogic announces that precast concrete leader Moore Concrete has selected Infor CloudSuite Industrial. As part of a modernisation programme, the platform will support greater visibility and control across manufacturing operations to optimise performance and profit margins. In parallel, access to integrated intelligence on the production lifecycle will enhance the customer experience as sales and service teams can communicate status updates and delivery schedules with greater accuracy in a few clicks.

Having outgrown its previous Sage 1000 ERP system, Moore Concrete undertook a detailed market review before selecting Infor CloudSuite Industrial (SyteLine) and Inforlogic. With ambitions to grow its business and consolidate its position as a world-class manufacturing facility, the concrete leader selected Infor SyteLine based on its comprehensive deep manufacturing capabilities, cloud architecture, and ability to scale. Inforlogic’s experience, expertise, and ethos made them a natural choice as a partner.

“As part of our review, we visited a number of reference sites and were impressed with what we saw,” comments Peter Steele, Digitalisation Manager, Moore Concrete. “Infor SyteLine is one of only a few ERP platforms with comprehensive manufacturing capabilities, and we particularly liked that we could roll it out without needing third-party applications and minimal customisation.

We now have cohesive, detailed insights on the entire production process, so we can leverage BoMs to backflash materials, perform product analysis and quickly understand costings and margins. This is imperative as we operate in a highly competitive market and rely on this granular detail to refine price points. In parallel, this assists our sustainability programmes, as any excess materials can be pinpointed and managed to reduce waste.

Peter Steele

Digitalisation Manager, Moore Concrete

Scaling for the Future

Looking ahead, Moore Concrete will leverage Infor SyteLine’s integrated document management (IDM) capabilities to move towards a truly paperless operation, while Factory Track will facilitate greater transparency in the production facility.

“Inforlogic’s business and technical consultants were incredibly knowledgeable throughout the project and were clear and calm in their approach. They were a great partner to have in this journey,” he adds. “With quality and efficiency at the heart of our values, we are confident that we have the right digital foundations from which to deliver on this, and supported by the Inforlogic team, pursue growth and scale well into the future.”

Contact Inforlogic

For more information on how Inforlogic can help your organisation to embrace transformation and scale for future innovation with cloud ERP, get in touch or call the team on 01606 720499.

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